Effects of Ivory Coast’s Plantains Peel Potash on the Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour Dough Bread


  • Kouassi-Koffi Jean Didier
  • Gnahe Hermann Dekpaho
  • Assemand Emma


The objective of this work was to study the effects of artisanal potash produced in Ivory Coast on wheat dough and the final bread rheological and physical properties. Glucose oxidase was addedto improve dough’s viscoelasticity. This potash was manufactured and used replacing the kitchen salt in breadmaking.Doughs consistency, resistance, strength, extensibility to deformation and gas bubbles development were determined at kneading and fermentation processes. Breads physical properties were then observed and crumbs resistances to deformation were performed.The obtained potash were in the form of light grey pebbles and tastes salty. The final bread’s rising volume, density, strength and extensibility to deformation were obtained depending on initial dough viscoelasticity. The bread dough containing potash is less extensible to deformation than the dough with salt in a ratio of 1.38±0.03%.The breads crumb enriched by glucose oxidase are more resistant to deformation. However, the resistance to deformation of bread crumb enriched with potash is higher than that of the bread with salt by a ratio of 1.02±0.07%. The crumb of the bread with potash is more elastic and homogeneous appearance alveoli. Its crust is thinner and slightly darkened. This bread with potash is airy and tender for consumers.Potash can be used in bakery in substitution of kitchen salt. It is usedin small quantity and therefore probably less carcinogenic for long term using.

Keywords: Wheat flour dough bread; potash; plantains peel; rheological properties.


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How to Cite

Jean Didier, Kouassi-Koffi, et al. “Effects of Ivory Coast’s Plantains Peel Potash on the Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour Dough Bread”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018, https://www.ijassh.com/index.php/IJASSH/article/view/21.



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