The Talent Management Strategies


  • Hanady Al-Zagheer


The development of management and business in recent years has developed new concepts, terminology, managerial and organizational concepts in the field of human resources, human capital, management and planning of resources and managerial talent. One of the most important new concepts is the concept or term of Talent Management. The selection and recruitment process began with the development of management in general and the management of individuals or the management of human resources, which varied and diversified in terms of diversity and multiple functions, objectives and methods, Finally, attention has grown that focus on the concept of attention to abilities, talents and effective skills in human resources, so this paper mention the important of the talent management strategy and programs in HR which  aim to develop the culture of talent focus as a source of competition and to provide these resources with the help of employees to achieve their best abilities and talents, talent management strategy  also help businesses to respond to challenges, enter new markets and move forward for competition and competition.

Keywords: Human Resource Management, Talent Management, Business Environment, Strategy.


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How to Cite

Al-Zagheer, Hanady. “The Talent Management Strategies”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Mar. 2018,



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